We Do?
Neighbor for Neighbor Inc. is a non-profit food pantry located and serving the needy in eastern Monroe County
Offer varieties of canned, fresh and frozen food items with each visit
Make County & Community resource referrals
Solicit and receive food deemed unsaleable by retailers
Distribute large quantities of donated product to other food pantries and other nonprofits who serve the low income population
Provide hunger education and awareness to local businesses and organizations
What to bring to your first visit?
Photo ID
A piece of mail received in the last 30 days (rent receipt, utility bill, etc) with your first and last name on it. This is requested for all adults in the household.
Name and birth date for everyone in your household.
Knowledge of total household income for all adults.
An official document with child's name (ex: Wisconsin Immunization Registry, report card, birth or baptismal certificates, passports medical insurance cards or library card)
*This information is needed one time per year unless you move or staff/volunteer requests it from you. In this case, please bring new mail for each adult in the household to your next visit.